29 August, 2011

R.A. Mihailoff

Short intro/who are you?:

My name is R.A. Mihailoff, I'm best known for my starring role as Leatherface in "Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, as one of the co-stars of "Hatchet 2" and as an original members of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters.

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

1. Honey, can I have your credit card? - Hell No!
2. Did I really kill anybody making TCM3? - Duh, NO...If I had, I'd be doing the San Quentin Shuffle!

2) Is there a store you would be completely lost without?

Yes...my local supermarket, because I prefer to eat fresh food, so I shop several times week.

3) What's something you had as a kid that you think today's kids are missing out on?

It's something I didn't have as a kid - the over saturation of media and electronic gadgetry. Because, when I was a kid, without that stuff it allowed me to develop a very vivid imagination.

4) Do you think it's ridiculous to have a 'speed dial' feature on a cell phone?

I did not know cell phones had a speed dial.

5) Ever have stalker issues?

Yes, I have, ironically it had absolutely nothing to do with being a celebrity.

6) Can you type without looking at the keyboard?

Seriously? Why do you think we're doing this interview over the phone?

7) Ever accidentally punch yourself in the face?

Rhetorical question: am I disfigured?

8) Do you believe in ghosts or aliens? Or, both?

I'm a hardcore skeptic, though I'm willing to believe with proof.

9) Would you consider yourself to be superstitious?

In certain ways, yes. In other ways, absolutely not.

10) Star Wars or Star Trek?

STAR TREK! (I watched the original network broadcast and at one point in my life, I used to watch Star Trek 11 times a week- and, that was before cable TV).

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

If anyone wants to contact me: ra@ramihailoff.com or 818.754.2672 or Facebook. Thanks.

Words from me: R.A. totally won ultimate cool points for 'Star Trek.' And, even more awesome points for it being the Original Series. Oh, and, if any of you missed the 'Ghost Adventures' episode for the Pico House investigation- R.A. is part of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters, as well. HGH!

25 August, 2011

Nick Principe

Who are you?:

Nick Principe...actor/stuntman

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

"how tall are you?"....and two "are you're parents tall?" its like are you writing a fucking report on my genetics? my family history of tallness?

2) What's the crappiest movie you've ever seen? What makes it the worst for you?

any musical ever...hate me all you want but i think Nightmare before christmas and sweeny Todd would have been waaaay better without the singing....not that either of those are my worst film...i just HATE musicals

3) What is something your parent/guardian told you when you were a kid and when you grew up, realized it was a lie?

my folks where always straight forward...almost too brutally honest, but besides the lie that is santa, i would say my mom always said "good things always happen to good people"....i find that to be bullshit for the most part...sure it happens...but cutthroats and assholes are pretty much holding the steering wheel. and we're all in the back seat with no saftey belt.

4) Do you still watch kids movies- without any kids around?

fuck yeah.....i saw Cars 2 by myself like two weeks ago. ha...to quote ol mom again she claims "i dont care ENOUGH about what other people think"...i used to be proud of that...but at 32 i cant help but think my career would be a lil further if i would have just shut my mouth a bit more.....but hey, fuck regret...i dont have time for it.

5) One of the hardest lessons you've had to learn in your adult life?

ALL lessons are hard...or they wouldnt be lessons...theyd be experiences ...i ALWAYS learn the hard way...because as cliche as it sounds..its the only way ive ever known

6) Any phobias?

when i was a kid lou Ferigno as the Hulk used to scare the fuck out of me... i dont know why...well i do know why actually...he was ugly as hell and green. also as a kid dead bodies in movies with their eyes still open fucked with me...but after seeing more than a few real dead bodies..... that went away quick.

7) Do you believe in ghosts or aliens? Or, both?

id LOVE...i mean FUCKING LOVE to see a ghost...thats why it wont happen to me...doesnt seem to work that way...on some REALLY creepy locations ive felt cold areas...and just felt like something horrible happened here, so i guess yes. aliens ...fuck i hope so...there better be smarter life out there than
us...but at the sametime i hope its like peaceful ET like aliens....id like to PLAY the Predator...not fight him, and im dumb ill pretty much fight anybody...but thats an anyTHING...differnt subject matter all together i suppose

8) Are you one of those people my mother warned me about?

what did she warn you about ? i doubt it, i live a rightous life id like to think...but im also human and fuck up like everyone else...one of the last things my dad said to me before he passed away was "be carefull...theres alot of loonys on the road to...forget it..you're probally the looniest" is looniest even a word...well it should be.

9) Do you still watch the news or have you given up on it?

if i can ill try and watch all three stations at once...and if they all run the same story you can piece together what may have really happened...cuz if youll notice...they NEVER all give the same report..some have more or less details...THEN i love to watch jon Stewart tear the news apart...and commonly give the most sound and realistic commentary on the world. having traveled a fair bit...its crazy to see first hand what people think about how our country is run...or lived in per say...they think its jerry springer pro wrestling and reality tv....which for the most part...is sad but true...its like we live behind a two way mirror....EVERYONE sees in...but only a handful of us get to see out.

10) If fans are going to buy you drinks - what are you having?

Crown Royal splash of coke....or a shot of jack. and i thank you ahead of time

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

LTR 2 hits DVD/blu ray sept. 20th, Madison County another slasher film is soon to be released, as well as the action/comedy The FP, and i just finished an episode of femme Fatales for cinemax, and somthing im VERY proud of my first lead acting role Nobody Can Cool is hitting sundance. other than that...thanks for all the love at conventions and local bars...im nothing without the people that give a fuck about me....and ill never forget that.

22 August, 2011

Gustavo Ortega aka Robert Pendergraft

Who are you?:

Robert Pendergraft, Head honcho of Aunt Dolly's Garage where we do special makeup and creature effects for film, television, and mime park performers.

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of answering- and, their answers?

Q1) Can you please move your car off my lawn? A1) Yeah sure... one sec. (runs away out of site)
Q2) Will this blood come out of my clothing? A2) (shrugs) Maybe.

2) If there's another animal that will inherit the Earth after humans are gone- which animal would it be?

Hmmm, I would have to go with the Aliens. Simply because once they wipe out EVERY living thing on the planet it will become fertile ground for them to populate it with whatever they want.

3) How far do you think you would get if you went on the show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'

Hell, I doubt I would make it past the qualifying round to get on the show. If I did make it on I would probably spend at least three episodes thinking about the answer to the first question which would be "what is your name" and I'd probably get THAT wrong!

4) A phrase/word that is/was ever trendy, that drove you insane?

Totally and Hella

5) Boxers, tighty whities, banana hammock, or commando?

Boxer briefs, I like to feel athletic and secure all at the same time. But in a pinch I've been known for wearing Depends on long shoots.

6) If you HAD to, would rather have sex with a dead body or a live animal?

What is this "HAD to" talk? What are we talking here? Rabbit? Goat? Horse? Chicken? Salamander? Badger? I'd probably go with the dead body because it wouldn't bite back... consenting dead body of course. A zombie would bite back, in that case I would need duct tape, ball gag, and a curling iron. What about a dead goat... better yet a zombie dead goat?

7) How do you feel about grammar?

Whut u meen?

8) What trend in recently made films are you sick of seeing?

Digital lens flare, films tailor made to suit maximum demographics to make the maximum buck, and Sam Jackson dressing up like Nick Fury but still playing Sam Jackson.

9) Do you ever give money to the homeless people with signs on the freeway off-ramps?

Only if their sign is original and makes me want to give them money like "Give me money or I will fuckin' kill you right the fuck now!" Also funny dances and amusing tricks will also encourage me to open up my billfold to them. I say work for it, don't JUST let the strippers corner that dollar market!

10) What side of the bed do you sleep on?

Funny you should ask that! I always start out on the left, by mid slumber I'm hanging on the right, and by the time I wake up I'm under the bed with the dogs snuggling up on top.

Shameless self-promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Twitter is @auntdollygarage

Also like to give a shout out to my boy Ray-Ray in San Pedro, you a crazy muthafucka!

18 August, 2011

Mike Christopher

Who are you?:  

I'm the Hare Krishna Zombie DAMMIT!

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

I am not sick of answering any question. Dawn of the Dead fans are the best and deserve a personal answer to any question. . . no matter what.

2) What celebrity (that you have no ties with) would you blink out of existence if you could? Why?

Hulk Hogan. Why? are you kidding?

3) The longest amount of time you've ever stayed awake?

4 days. While putting a laser system in the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas in 4 days I got 4 hours sleep on a table top.

4) If the first commercial flight to the moon was a free ticket to you, would you go?

Sure. I'd love to save a brazillion dollars.

5) Worst city/state/country you've ever visited?

Florida . . . too much sun, too many bugs, and too many idiots.

6) Thoughts on parents blaming ALL media when their kids fuck up?

Kids are monsters . . . parents can blame whomever they want.

7) What's the saddest (emotionally) movie you've ever seen?

The saddest stories are about "Depleted Uranium Babies" in the Middle East and the "U.S.S. Liberty."    Look them up.

8)  The Internet - blessing or a curse?

Blessing. I can surf the net in bed on my phone . . . I have a weather radar in my pocket. "Is that a radar in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

9) Ever actually *facepalm* or *headdesk* before? 


10) Would you say you're a friendly person?

What the fuck do you mean by THAT?

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

for now:  facebook.com/HareKrishnaZombie

15 August, 2011

Patty Wright

Who are you?:

Board Member "Westfield on Weekends", professional costumer and playwright, Current producer/writer/costumer/makeup for the "Starship: Ironsides" webseries, and for Retro Film Studios - including "Star Trek: Phase II", "Buck Rogers Begins", "Back to the Wild Wild West" and "The Haunted Homestead". Former producer/writer/costumer/makeup for "Nautical Nightmares", "The Haunted Fort", and "Lantern Light Tours".

1) What two questions are sick of being asked- and their answers?

"Are you married to James Cawley?" Yes. We were married last year on the beach in front of our Arizona vacation home.

"How did you meet Walter Koenig?" I was talking about him on an elevator at a convention and didn't recognize him standing next to me - until I got off and he flashed his "Chekov smile" at me. A few dozen years later he called me after I put up the Chekov website and asked if I'd run his official website. I recognize him on elevators now.

2) What's a few of your biggest pet-peeves, or in the words of George Carlin, 'psychotic fuckin' hatreds?'

- People that summarily dismiss other people because (in their judgment) they aren't smart enough, aren't in the same "class", don't have good enough jobs, have poor personal care, are dressed differently, have different interests....everyone has value: if you can search so hard to find a reason to dismiss or ostracize someone you can search half as hard for their value!

- People that are intentionally cruel to other people. There's only one thing to say... WTF?! Well, for doing that you get the reward of spending time being controlled by nasty feelings AND the person you are doing evil to.

- Parents that do not appreciate and nurture the individuals their children are; and who do not instill good self worth and confidence in their kids. How hard is it to let them make their own sandwich and tell them what a great meal it is? Yeah, maybe they wasted a jar of jelly on the counter- but there's a chance to finger-paint with food and you have to collect these things to tell THEIR kids to let them know even mom and dad were klutzy kids once.

- Cupboard doors being left open, empty containers/trash left on the counters, and leaving stuff out you used. Seriously: how hard is it to put your toothbrush and toothpaste back where you got them?! It's okay though... I always rinse them off in the toilet before I put them away for you.

3) What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure? 

"It's Raining Men". I actually have an entire "mix" CD that only has this song on it... a dozen versions that I play at full volume while driving. It's a really fun song - it begs you to scream out the lyrics and you can't help but dance to the music. The dancing keeps me awake while I'm driving - and makes driving more of a challenge.

4) What's the most embarrassing job you've ever had (in or outside of your current job)?

I've been fortunate never to have had and embarrassing "job" - but as a social worker I've had to do some rather, uh, "down to earth" tasks - like inserting tampons into women and changing adult men's diapers.

5) Does it bother you when 'fans' add your significant others, personal friends, and family members on social networks, just to feel closer to you or the people you know?

No, I've met some of my most interesting friends that way! And if they are only using me to get to someone else - well, they may be one of THEIR future most interesting friends: if not, I figure they can take care of themselves.

6) Does anyone ever tell you that you look like someone else famous?

All the time - Cher. Before she had surgery and before I gained weight from metabolic syndrome.

7) If another 'Classic Monster' film (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, Black Lagoon, etc...) were going to be made and they needed you to play one of them- which one do you think you would be the best as? Why?

I'd be best as Winona Kirk in "Star Trek XI" because I am a mom at heart. What? "Star Trek XI" isn't a classic horror film? Are you SURE?!

8) Do blonds, redheads or brunettes have more fun?

Brunettes - absolutely! Folks consider us the steady, stable ones and don't pay attention, so we can get away with all kinds of things.

9) Have you had the pleasure of running into a wall, door, window, screen door, or sliding door?

I don't think so, but I make up for it by tripping over thin air on a routine basis. I always wait until the most opportune time - such as when a CBS film crew is transmitting live and the whole world gets to witness me fall into an actor's lap.

10) If you had to rely on someone in the celebrity world to back you up in a fight, who would you choose?

Schwarzenegger! Because all he'd have to do is stand there and glare at them to make them run away - I don't approve of violence for any reason so I figure he's the best guy to walk around with.

Shameless self-promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Hey...join us for Walter Koenig's star installation ceremony next September! Keep up on all the great details of the event on his official site www.walterkoenigsite.com and the event site www.planetexpo.com

AND watch for the episodes I wrote and helped to costume to be released at www.startreknewvoyages.com They are an amazing cast and crew and they've pulled off miracles making these come to life! More TOS rocks!

While waiting, read my fanfic at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/587072/Andriech - because if you review them it will fill the ink in my pen and I can write more!

 Words from me: Thank you, Patty, for saving my ass- just like you save everyone else. You are, indeed, the universal 'Mom.' 

11 August, 2011

Eric Stuart

Who are you?:

-Eric Stuart, singer/songwriter and leader of the Eric Stuart Band, voice actor starring in such anime shows as Pokemon, Yugioh, etc, director, writer and video game addict.

1) What are the top two questions you are tired of being asked- and, their answers?

-To say stupid Kaiba lines from the abridged series. Not really that funny. Our real outtakes are much funnier.

-Why did you do that to Yugi, etc. The answer is I am just the actor. I have no say in any of the story line.

2) What's the oddest thing a fan has ever brought as a gift for you, or for you to sign?

-Breasts. I think that says it all.

3) What trend in recently made films are you sick of seeing?

-Celebrity voice actors. Casting someone for their name and not their talent is annoying and hurts the grunts like me who really need the gig.

4) If the human race was obliterated and you were the sole survivor, how long do you think you'd survive?

-Hmmm, maybe a year. I know how to do a lot of stuff. What would probably kill me is the loneliness and having no one to sing songs to.

5) Kharma/Karma - what are your thoughts on it?

-I totally believe in it. I have seen great examples of payback as well as gifts for being a good person.

6) Have you ever been ramen noodles every dinner or dish soap for laundry soap kind of broke?

-Close. Peanut butter and jelly every day for a month. Stuck in limbo between selling one house and buying another. The overlap of having two homes for 9 months was a true test.

7) Have you ever mentally invented something that you KNEW would have been useful, but were too lazy to go through the creation process?

-Nope. Lazy is not a word that I would ever use to describe myself. I probably never had the time to invent something since I am always creating.

8) Do you do your absolute best to speak in a politically-correct manner? How well is that working out for you?

-Nope. I speak my mind. Now, my thinking and my politics may be considered politically correct but I don’t need to be aware of it to say the right thing. Either you feel it or it is forced. Everyone has their own prejudices and those that deny it are lying. We must try to educate ourselves so that we learn we are not very different from one another. I strive to be more educated so it is working out for me.

9) Is there anything in your closet that you've borrowed from someone else?

-No. But my closet is filled with things I should lend to other people. I have way too many clothes, shoes, etc that I do not wear anymore but refuse to get rid of.

10) Ever had any issues with stalkers?

-Yes. Many. One in particular came to my front door one night and banged and screamed for me to ‘let her in and how could I have done this to her by not being with her’. Let’s just say my landlord was not too pleased.

Shameless self-promotion/shout outs/any last words:

-Buy my music. If you visit my website www.ericstuart.com and order cds from me I will sign them. Download my songs from iTunes as well.  I am first and foremost a singer/songwriter and I like when anime fans find my music and become music fans as well.

 Words from me: The first time I met Eric was only about 3 weeks ago, at the FrightNight/FandomFest convention this past July. I won't lie- when I saw his name on the guest list two weeks before- I had a mild geek out (not like..crazy spazmo geek out, but I did have a quiet little SQUEE!). We go to a lot (a LOT) of cons every year - and, aside from the personal friends that we get to see there, I generally don't look forward to any of the guests. Out of probably 25+ cons, Eric is only the 3rd person I'd ever looked forward to seeing at a con that I wasn't already friends with (the first two being Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger and Doug Bradley aka Pinhead). Why was I excited? I haven't really watched too much anime in about a decade, but when I did, I watched a LOT of it. Honestly, I HATED the concept of 'PokeMon' but the first time I watched it and was introduced to 'Team Rocket,' I was won over. More specifically, the character of 'James.' And, it was the voice, actually, that amused me the most. It was the strangest noise (in a good way) that I'd heard from any -male- anime character. Of ALL of the anime I've seen, James (and, that voice) will always be in the top 3 of my favourite characters. Eric is, also, only one of 3 voice actors' names I remember from back then. X.x When I met him, he was nothing but a sweetheart to me even though I'm sure I was a strange thing to him. When he agreed to do a set of questions, I had another little SQUEE! to myself. Show him love and support. He's worked hard for it and deserves it (*cough*go-listen-to-'One Good Reason'*cough*). And, thank you, Eric, again.

08 August, 2011

Richard John Walters

Who are you?:

I'm an attorney that dances Argentine Tango and belongs to the American Equity Association and Screen Actor's Guild. My claim to fame as an actor is that I played the original killer, Harry Warden, in My Bloody Valentine 3D.

1) What are the top two questions you're tired of being asked- and, their answers? 

How's it going? "Oh, I'm good." What's new?" Oh, not much, blah, blah blah.

2) What was the last traffic ticket you received for? 

Speeding on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

3) Do you still do anything special to celebrate your birthday? Why or why not? 

Well, this year I turn 50, so I am going to do something, probably go to somewhere in Asia and try to get laid. Otherwise, I normally try to get a woman to go out with me for dinner.  But I never get laid on my birthday.  I am now at the point where celebrating the fact that I am getting older seems to be a waste of my time.

4) What is something your parent/guardian told you when you were a kid and when you grew up, realized it was a lie? 

Santa Clause.

5) Do you think it's ridiculous to have a 'speed dial' feature on a cell phone? 

Yeah, I still haven't figured out how to use one.

6) If you closest friend killed someone, would you help bury the body? 

Fuck no, I'm a lawyer, and have him turn himself in. Stupid fuck.

7) What would be your simple fix for all of the world's issues?

 I would make it a necessary part of citizenship that you spend time in an overseas country, and the you pay for this month sojourn yourself. No help form Mommy and Daddy.  This way you would learn that the world is not such a huge place, and that we are all in this together, and we better work together to make the world a better place.

8) What's the most ridiculous nickname anyone's ever given you?

Big "C" in rugby, because in my first game for the Pittsburgh Harlequins back in August of 1987, I was playing prop and I was so tired I faked an injury to get off the field.  The ref then blew the whistle to end the game after one more scrumdown.  I told my player/coach, Kevin Carhart, a former member of Her Majesties Special Air Services and Welsh International player, that I was sorry and that "they" should stamp a big "C" on my forehead. And the "C" did not stand for coach.  He wasn't good with names, and this one stuck to me, because he could only remember Big"C".  So now, years later, in addition to rugby players, even some lawyers call me Big "C".  Ridiculous.

9) If you could only give one piece of advice on how to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse, what would it be?

Lots of breadfast burritos, and then you can fart and repell the Zombies.  Just garlic to a vampire, the pungent odor of the breakfast burrito induced fart will keep any zombie away.

10) John Carpenter and George Lucas get into a fistfight. What would you guess started it and who do you think wins? 

I bet John Carpenter is a little odd, while George Lucas is probably arrogant.  I would be that Carpenter shoots his mouth off, Lucas snaps and then Carpenter sucker punches him.  Then I bet Carpenter finishes Luscas off by throwing a hot breakfast burrito from Kraft services at him.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words: 

We are supposed to start making a disgusting horror/exploitation film called "Breeding Ground" directed and produced by Cody Notts.    Look to download it soon.

Kitty Zombie

Who are you?:

Me? I am Kitty Zombie!
Body of a Killer, Mind of a Puppy!

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, what are their answers?

Thats a hard one. The whole "is it hot in there?" question is a very obvious one. BUT, many people use it as a way to enter into dialogue with Kitty. But the BIG one that gets me, is "who is the person inside the armor?" If people meet The Handler, that is one thing, but Kitty never gives away who He is. Just enjoy Kitty Zombie for him. ;)

2) What's a few of your pet-peeves, or in the words of George Carlin, 'psychotic fuckin' hatreds?'

Well first, Kitty does not swear. *shakes finger*  But this one is actually really easy. People that grab on the armor in a less than gentle manner...and those that try to take Kitty's night stick out of it's holder. Kitty does not try to take your belt off, or jump on your back...please give the same respect.

3) What's the crappiest movie you've ever seen? What makes it the worst for you?

I wish I could say Twilight...but I never saw it. (the whole concept behind it makes Kitty sick..Abercrombie/90210 Vampires...UGH!) But this is a hard one....Kitty WILL say this though.... Kitty never watches any movies that deal with rape or torture. Just don't see the need for it. He can turn on the news for that kind of stuff.

4) How do you feel about grammar?

Grammar? From Kitty? heh. No comment. One thing I DO dislike, is TYPING IN ALL CAPS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO BECAUSE YOU WANT TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR POST. So annoying. Oh, and people that spell in ebonics. "wut" and "dat" are perfect examples. is it REALLY that hard to spell "what" and "that"?? (this being said...Kitty and The handler are HORRID spellers. heh)

5) Do you still do anything special to celebrate your birthday? Why or why not?

Kitty had a fun party last year. but The Handler does not. he finds it very weird to plan your own celebration. Seems, egocentric. The Handler is a strange cookie.

6) If you HAD to, would rather have sex with a dead body or a live animal?

Kitty does not have sex. Let me explain it this way. Kitty KNOWS he likes the ladies, but he would have NO idea what to do if one ever showed interest. He would probably just run off embarrassed.

7) What's the worst thing you've ever been called or what would be the worst thing anyone could call you?

For Kitty? Borg. Kitty is NOT a Borg. *head desk*

8) What's something you had as a kid that you think today's kids are missing out on?

Play Parks with chains, wood, metal, and gravel. What ever happened to scraping your knee and figuring out what NOT to do??

9) Would you say you're a friendly person?

Kitty is VERY friendly! Though sometimes he throws the mild tantrum. Make sure you come up and say "Hello!"

10) Has anyone ever tried to steal a piece or two of your armor?

Yes, someone took both of Kittys Gauntlets once. But after a few general announcements saying no harm no foul if they were returned, he got them back.

Shameless self-promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Feel free to check out www.kittyzombie.com, the Kitty Zombie fan page on facebook. KittyZombie on twitter. AND, for the time being at least, you can add Kitty Zom as a personal friend on facebook. Just make sure you say hello if you do!

06 August, 2011

Circus Envy

Who are you?:

Circus Envy; horror host, scary clown, Snicker's consumer, self-proclaimed Mama's boy and vindicator of the underdog.

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of answering- and their answers?

Who are you supposed to be, IT? For one, the character's name is Pennywise and Ray Charles could see the vast differences, baring the pointed teeth.

Do you condone recreational drug use? No, kids should not do drugs... especially mine!

2) What celebrity (that you have no ties with) would you blink out of existence if you could? Why?

Judge Judy - she's such a douche, if she were featured in a snuff film I'd consider it a comedy. Oh, and don't forget Reverend Phelps, everyone's favorite nut job.

3) If you were on Death Row, what would it be for and what would your last meal be?

Avenging abused animals or children or enforcing capital punishment on those that refuse to practice reasonable cell phone etiquette. My last meal... a Percocet smoothie with Xanex sprinkles to take the edge off.

4) Kharma/Karma - what are your thoughts on it?

I believe you reap what you sew but a good machatte is always helpful in speeding along the process.

5) What are your thoughts on conspiracy theorists?

In this day and age, I have no idea what to believe. I am as politically ambiguous as they come and hold religiously to my personally philosophy, which is basically "fuck it".

6) Would you ever go into a strip club with a sign that read '12 hot chicks and 1 ugly one' JUST to see the 'ugly one?'

Funny you should ask, they know me on a first name basis at The Clermont... a club known for it's unconventional strippers. I want to see a girl with psoriasis wrestling a live gator and the gator be the one with better skin!

Truly, I believe a person's quirks can sometimes be their greatest charm.

7) If you could only give one piece of advice on how to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse, what would it be?

Take enough Xanex blend right in. My friend Candi is always fretting about zombies, but I console her by saying "what you worried about bitch? They only eat brains."

8) Do you think you cuss entirely too much, just enough, or not enough throughout your normal day?

my day job is so frustrating and I am constantly on-call. My friends and neighbors think I suffer Tourette syndrome!

9) What's the most awkward question you can remember being asked by a fan or interviewer?

My most embarrassing moment as Circus Envy was when my fang appliance came unhinged and landed on stage with Unknown Hinson. I lunged forward to retrieve them and my friends thought I had fainted. Oh, and the time Kane Hodder and others filmed me drunkenly dry-humping everyone on the dance floor at the Scarefest VIP party. Then my friend's kid remixed it to Can't Sleep Clowns Will Eat Me and posted all over the internet. Luckily I don't blush easily... if I did you'd never see it through the clown makeup.

10) What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure?

I still own a Debbie Gibson CD... yeah, that's pretty embarrassing.

My guiltiest pleasure would be watching home decorating shows when I go to my Mom's house to visit. I'm like another Norman Bates just waiting to happen!

11) Are there any foods that you would choose to starve rather than eat?

Tofurkey - I am open to meat alternatives but this is one that needs to go back to the drawing board. Even the name is awkward and somehow makes me want to take a hot shower. It tastes like a cross between soggy cardboard and seasoned scrotum. I am also not a fan of pork. I was fanatical about Miss Piggy growing up and stopped eating it around age seven. I refuse to participate in anything pertaining to pork unless it used in context as a verb. I would use this in a sentence but I think you got the idea. lol.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Check out circusenvy.com and buy yourself some Circus Envy merchandise! Oh, and fuck you Chuck De Clown! I'm top dog in this circus! (just kidding buddy!)

02 August, 2011

Lezlie Deane

Who are you?:

Lezlie is the lead singer of the band Scary Cherry and the Bang Bangs. Also, known in the the horror community as 'Tracy' from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Dead.'

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of answering- and their answers?

and you are... also what is your name...hahaha!!

2) What celebrity (that you have no ties with) would you blink out of existence if you could? Why?

probably the royal family....so that would be celebrities!

3) If you were on Death Row, what would it be for and what would your last meal be?

human torture to people who abuse animals and children....they would be my last meal!

4) Kharma/Karma - what are your thoughts on it?

it can bite you n the ass!

5) Do you still watch kids movies with no kids around? If so, what's your favourite one?

hell yeah!!! nanny mcphee!!

6) Would you ever go into a strip club with a sign that read '12 hot chicks and 1 ugly one' JUST to see the 'ugly one?'

i think i have done that!

7) Do you still own an address book/book with written addresses and phone numbers?

a little black one that i keep hidden...

8) Do you think you cuss entirely too much, just enough, or not enough throughout your normal day?

FUCK!!!! are you kidding me?!

9) What's the most awkward question you can remember being asked by a fan or interviewer?

off the top of my head, i cant think of one...it's hard to make me feel awkward..

10) What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure?

any bee gees....hahahha

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

come listen to my band! we are Scary Cherry and the Bang Bangs!! you can find us on facebook, i tunes, jango, reverbnation and also at scarycherry.com!! give a listen and become our friend....we wanna LOVE YOU TO DEATH!

Words from me: I've known Lezlie for about a year and she's, by far, one of the funnest people to hang out with - without being one of those overwhelming kinds of personalities. And, yes, you should check out the band- and, if possible, catch them at a live show. DEFINITELY worth seeing them perform.

01 August, 2011

Mike Holman

Who are you?:

Mike Holman- Being a complete asshole. Mtvs Jackass.

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked- and their answers?

Do I know Bam. What Jackass Movie I was in.

2) What's the most embarrassing job you've ever had (in or out of 'the industry')?

Did a commercial for a dance studio. they made me look gay to appeal to the gay community. pretty ming.

3) Are you obsessive/OCD about anything?

Almost everything in my life.. i have weird tourettes arm tics and my life revolves around patterns and colors. really a disturbing life..

4) Have you ever had the pleasure of running into a door, wall, window, screen door, or sliding door?

Quite often. who hasnt. next question.

5) If you were on Death Row- what would it be for and what would your last meal be?

Id probably be in for some ridiculously brutal murder of a bunch of people... like. ive thought about this several times.. literally cross country trekking and killing everyone thats annoyed me. wait.. just kidding >.>

6) What trend in recent films are you sick of seeing?

Zombies. Especially in local films. its over.. stop.
I also am starting to despise the smarmy Ryan Reynolds types. i hate those guys in real life and on screen...

7) If another 'Classic Monster' film (Dracula, Frankenstein, Phantom of the Opera, Black Lagoon, Mummy, etc..) were being made again, which monster do you think you'd be best for and why?

Id make a brilliant Godzilla. Dont ask.

8) Do you ever give money to the homeless people holding signs on freeway off-ramps or street corners? Why or why not?

No. Ive given a few food.. I think thats mostly a big scam. Fuck those lazy people. Its easy to hustle.

9) What song would you consider to be your guiltiest pleasure?

Bad Romance- Lady Gaga.

10) Is there a person out there, when you see them, it's instantly a shitty day?

Several persons. in fact.. see question number 5.

Words from me: Mike is relatively new to my universe. I haven't tormented him quite enough just yet. He still has some training to do. PS- he's very affectionate and likes his leg humped. Remember that for any events you catch him at. :)

Rick McCallum

Who are you?:

John the silent hunter in Hatchet 2, Co Founder with Kane Hodder of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters, and yes, that was us on Ghost Adventures..

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of answering- and, their answers?

No I'm not the Star Wars producer, even though we have the same name..and no, I don't know that famous actor is gay..wouldn't tell you if I did..

2) If you had the power, what celebrity would you blink out of existence? Why?

Aunt Jemima, she makes me fat..or Steven Seagal..

3) What's a few of your biggest pet-peeves, or in the words of George Carlin, 'psychotic fuckin' hatreds?'

People who cut me off on the highway, and litterbugs..

4) What grosses you out?

Snakes, snakes!

5) How did you feel about wearing that shiny, silver mini skirt and halter top?

I felt like a whole new person, when I got home from the set, I ran a bubble bath, lit a bunch of candles, lined the floor with rose petals, and had some real me time.

6) If you could have a love scene with any celebrity- who would it be?

Heather Locklear, if she would remove the restraining order.

7) Was there any time where you were so pissed off, you caused damage to an inanimate object?

I have caused enough damage to inanimate objects to fix the national debt..I blame it on low blood sugar.

8) What's your recurring nightmare?

I have this nightmare where I am selected to be a judge in the Naked Bisexual Fitness Model Jump Rope Contest..when I show up, they put right in the front row..The stage lights go down, and the contestants run out..the lights come on..and it's the men's division..wait, it gets worse..all the contestants are really trying to impress me by getting as close as they can, because I'm the ONLY JUDGE.

9) If you could have anyone in the celebrity world to back you up in a fight, who would you choose? Why?

Easy answer Kane( Jason Voorhees) Hodder, or Jack Bauer from 24.

10) What do YOU consider to be the root of all evil?

The root of all evil? Bikini bottoms.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:  

check out www.hollywoodghosthunters.com 

Words from me: I've known Rick for....I don't even remember for how long. Feels like forever (in a good way). He's one of those 'too nice' people, too, but he thinks he's mean. Pfft. Also, one those awesome story tellers, has a lot of one-liners, jokes and awkward sentences. One of the very very few people that I actually don't mind talking to on the phone (talking on the phone is the bane of my existence).

Jeff 'Wickedbeard' Cochran

Who are you?:

I am known for my metal armor work and my ability to create an effective realistic costumes for pennies on the dollar.

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of answering- and, their answers?

When did I start costuming, and how much it costs to make em.I really do not have an accurate answer for either question.

2) What's something you had as a kid that you think today's kids are missing out on?

Farrell's ice cream parlor. Put's Cold Stone to shame.

3) Would you say you're a friendly person?

Some say I am too friendly....until I get behind the wheel of the car, then everybody sucks!!!lolol

4) Is there another celebrity that people say you look like?

Apparently I look like Toby Kieth.lol

5) What trend in recently made films are you sick of seeing?

excessive use of CGI and 3D

6) Has there ever been an occasion that you were so pissed off, you caused damage to an inanimate object? Elaborate, please?

When my DVD player is being an asshole, and will not play and I just wanna throw it out the window.

7) What is something your parent/guardian told you when you were a kid and when you grew up, realized it was a lie?

Money doesn't buy happiness.......Give me a couple million and see if I can't prove that theory wrong.lol

8) Would you ever go into a strip club with a sign that read '12 hot chicks and 1 ugly one' JUST to see the 'ugly 1?'

You would almost have to don't ya.lol

9) How long do you think you could tolerate life without a cell phone in your possession?

I would be just fine. I barely talk on it as is, and I hate texting.I would miss the apps though.hahaha
Take away my TV though and I'll kill ya.haha

10) Is there a store you would be completely lost without?

2 actually.....Wal-mart, and Home Depot.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Make sure to check out my site ..www.wickedbeardcreations.com, and add me up on FB.Tons of new outfits in the works !!
Also looking forward to working with my new friends over at Crossover Paranormal. It is going to be another awesome chapter in the Wickedbeard saga.
Shout out to my beautiful Girlfriend/interviewer.... I love you with all my heart and soul, and to my family(hi mom) friends and fans...Thank you from the bottom of my heart .without all of you to enjoy it, and support me, my work as an impersonator would be a fruitless endeavor.
Make sure to come see me at The Scarefest , and Days of the Dead each and every year.

Words from me: So, to get this thing started, yes, I did Jeff's first, because I love him more than you. :) He deserves to be first, cause he has to deal with me. -I- tell him that he's 'too friendly' because I'm a heinous, mean beast and I know it - I'm proud of it, damn it. We met on MySpace (yes, MySpace) two and a half years ago and I've been a fan since. I get to witness (and, occasionally step on sharp pieces) of the magic that he creates with his costumes and armor, daily. His creativity never ceases to amaze me. BTW, -nothing- is better than Cold Stone. Just sayin'....