02 October, 2012

Patrick Barnitt

Who are you?:

Hi, Im Patrick Barnitt. I'm an actor and a singer. I sing Frank Sinatra type music. Standards. I have a horror film out right now called Coffin that I star in with Kevin Sorbo and Bruce Davison. I've also done a lot of work on Star Trek as a Borg. I just appeared in a Walking Dead webisode, Cold Storage, as a "Walker". I spend a lot of time snapping my fingers and tappin my feet and impersonating Christopher Walken.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

How often I shave my head...answer...every five minutes!
What do you do that brings you joy...answer...engage in Tomfoolery.

2. What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure?

Hello by Neil Diamond.
3. What do YOU consider to be the root of all evil?

The root of all evil to me is apathy.

4. Is there another celebrity that people say you look like?

I've been told I look like Yul Brynner.

5. The last time you were completely wasted:

Last time I was wasted was at my brother Rich's wedding a while ago. Endless Gin and tonics. The longer I sang the more difficult it was to remember the lyrics!

6. Do you still do anything special to celebrate your birthday? Why or why not?

Every year I celebrate my birthday with a few friends for an italian meal and then I sing at the Dresden Room in Hollywood.

7. One of the hardest lessons you've had to learn in your adult life?

That you can't control people, but can only control the decisons that you make in life.

8. A phrase/word that is/was ever trendy, that drove you insane?

The phrase, "It's all good" drives me nuts. More often than not, It's not all good.

9. Do you Google your name or have a Google Alert on it?

I've googled myself a few times:)

10. Your favourite dirty phrase, without using swear words:

Favorite dirty phrase. Wang Dang Doodle!!
Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

I'll be at the LA Horror Fest on Oct. 26, 27th-
Check out Coffin on Redbox, Netflix, Amazon, and On Demand...
Find me on Facebook or check out my website patrickbarnitt.com
Coffin Trailer-

Take care! Hope to see you at a Con or a gig soon!

16 July, 2012

Michael Bugard

Who are you?:

I am Michael Bugard. I am just a guy who goes through life hearing his name mispronounced. It rhymes with the words "you guard". But with a B. Think byou-guard. Not Buttgard, Boogergard, Beauregard, Bogard, Bogart, or especially not Buggered. Often times people just refer to me as "that asshole." I am very excited to be posted here next to Cleve Hall, with whom I and Bruce Campbell share a birthday.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

Q) "Do you have a personal relationship with God?" A) "Yea, verily, and forsooth, for I am the Messiah and I have come unto thee! Let my Father's divine Power and Glory penetrate thee."
Q) "I don't feel anything - are you sure it's all the way in?" A) "Yea, verily, and forsooth, for I am the Messiah and I have come unto thee! Let my Father's divine Power and Glory penetrate thee."

2. What celebrity (that you have no ties with) would you blink out of existence if you could? Why?

Bob Seger! His song "Old Time Rock and Roll" is as intolerant and narrow-minded as the KKK anthem. He is a pretender to, and usurper of, the mantle of Ann Arbor's Favorite Son which rightfully belongs to Iggy Pop. My innocence and childhood were taken from me when he raped me. With his music.

3. When a song that you know, but dislike, comes one- do you still sing to it?

Only if I know the Weird Al version.

4. Have you ever had the pleasure of running into a wall, door, screen, window, or sliding door?

Only on most days. Recently I ran into a pole and split my head open while closely studying a cheese label in the grocery store. Laughter flowed from my friend and fellow actor, Katie Oliver, as the blood flowed from my forehead and onto the floor behind me.

5. Do you still play video games?

No. Not enough time to do that and watch porn.

6. Is there another celebrity that people say you look like?

Um, I'm not a celebrity. When I was younger I was consistently told that I looked like River Phoenix. Then he died and I got old. Now much to my dismay I'm told that I look like Michael Stipe or Billy Corgan, when I'm really wishing that someone would tell me that I look like Michel Foucault or Dr. Sivana. A friend told me that I look like James Carville. This really depresses me, as it suggests that I would be willing to bang the late Molly Ivins.

7. A rough estimate of how many different words you know for 'breasts:'

I can't count that high, but then again I did attend public school. My favorite is Oompa Loompas because I adore watching Kate Winslet dressed as a nun giving phone sex lessons in an episode of "Extras". "I'd love it if you stuck your Willy Wonka between my Oompa-Loompas."

8. If the human race was obliterated and you were the sole survivor, how long do you think you'd survive?

Long enough to have a hermaphroditic metamorphosis and impregnate myself, thus repopulating the Earth with my inbred seed.

9. Worst place you've ever eaten?

On the set of "Real Steel." It brought a tear to my eye as I waxed nostalgic for jail food.

10. Do you use hand sanitizer?

Fuck no, I have an immune system. Hand sanitizer is a useless product sold by the use of vulgar manipulation and preying on people's overly-paranoid, media-generated germophobia.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Find me at www.facebook.com/mbugard and www.twitter.com/mbugard. Please support my work, not because it's good, I just don't want to grow up and get a job!

11 July, 2012

Cleve Hall

Short intro/Who are you?:
I'm Cleve Hall. I have been involved in the horror film biz for the past 35 years.. Foremost as a Special Creature FX Fabricator, and also as an actor and writer and now as TV personality. I am the Star of Syfy Channel's reality series MONSTER MAN!

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?
Is there going to be a Season 2? Fuk I hope so.. I think there is.. but no official word yet from Syfy. Bottom Line: As soon as I find out, EVERYONE will be alerted to the fact.. probably cuzz you hear me screaming and jumping up and down.
What advice would you give someone wanting to get into the FX field? Have a Backup plan!

2. Do you ever give money to the homeless people with signs on the freeway off-ramps?
Rarely... I'm usually more destitute than they are. And, when I was broke and homeless, I never begged once... Just dined and dashed from a lot of upscale restaurants. Also, most of those losers put some mention of God on their signs. That offends me.

3. Is there another celebrity that people say you look like?
The Undertaker from WWE. But he's 8" taller than me.

4. What's something you had as a kid that you think today's kids are missing out on?
CREEPY CRAWLERS. And Imagination. And seeing Giant Monster Movies in theatres.. and Drive ins.

5. Kharma/Karma - what are your thoughts on it?
It's a Bitch! But I believe I've tried so much to help people (most of whom didn't deserver it) I feel I should have Karma in the Bank!

6. Thoughts on parents blaming ALL media when their kids fuck up?
They gotta find somewhere to point the blame instead of admitting to their shitty parenting skills.

7. If you could having a boxing match with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Probably Shirley Temple, cuzz at least I'm pretty sure I would win and not get hurt.

8. Worst place you've ever eaten?
A Chinese buffet in Buttonwillow CA

9. When a song that you know, but dislike, comes one- do you still sing to it?

10. How would you describe your sense of humour?
Dark and innapropriate.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:
Hit me up on Cleve Hall (Official) on Facebook.... And tell Syfy you want a Season 2 of MONSTER MAN! Go to their official Facebook page and threaten.. and hit "LIKE". (If this comes out after we get Season 2... tell 'em you want Season 3.)

21 June, 2012

CrossOver Paranormal

Who are you?:

Brian: Brian Hensley is who I am.
Nick: My name is Nick McWethy and I am the co-founder of Crossover Paranormal!!
Jeff: I am an investigator with Crossover Paranormal , Costume designer and professional horror icon impersonator for Days of the Dead, Dead Winter,Scarefest, and others.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

Brian:  What got you into the Paranormal field? Stories that my dad used to tell me.
Do you get paid to investigate? Hell no!
Nick: Do you really believe in ghosts? Ummmm...no...I just like sitting in dark places talking to myself!!
Do you charge for investigations? NOT EVER!!
Jeff: What brand of clothes did Jason wear in this or that?....wasn't there, don't know. I wing it.
Have you ever met Kane Hodder......of course I have

2. What is something your parent/guardian told you when you were a kid and when you grew up, realized it was a lie?

Brian: Santa Clause was real.
Nick: That if I kept making faces that it would get stuck like that!!
Jeff: Monsters are not real...haha..little did they know.

3. Would you ever go into a strip club with a sign that read '12 hot chicks and 1 ugly one' JUST to see the 'ugly one?'

Brian: Hell yeah!!!!
Nick: Would I?? The real question is HAVE I? ;)
Jeff: You would almost have to wouldn't ya?

4. If you HAD to, would rather have sex with a dead body or a live animal?

Brian: Dead body.
Nick: Dead body
Jeff: Dead Body, but with a few live animals watching.

5. Are you one of those people my mother warned me about?

Brian: Not anymore.
Nick: Depends on what she warned you about!!
Jeff: Maybe in my younger days.lol

6. Favourite junk food that you'd refuse to ever give up- even if a diet or your health would suffer?

Brian: Taco Bell.
Nick: Taco Bell
Jeff: Pizza

7. Do you relate to the majority of heroes or villains in stories?

Brian: Heroes.
Nick: Heroes
Jeff: Yes I do in many ways.

8. Would you ever pose naked for Playboy/Playgirl? How much money would it take?

Brian: Hell yeah I would. $100,000
Nick: I'm not sure ANYONE would wanna see that!! Including myself...lol
Jeff: No...I like to leave some things to the imagination. But then again, we do need the money.lol

9. In a burping contest, where would you rank? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd?

Brian: 3rd
Nick: 2nd
Jeff: probably 3rd. I am not an expert belcher, but I can throw down in a farting contest.

10. What holiday do you consider to be the most useless?

Brian: Presidents day.
Nick: Presidents Day
Jeff: Sweetest day/Valentines day, they kinda go hand in hand

Shameless self-promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Brian: N/A
Nick: I would like to thank all the haters out there!! If it wasn't for you...I wouldn't of pushed myself so hard!! And to my Crossover brothers...I love you guys!!!
Jeff: Huge , huge Thank you to my beautiful GF Angela, and all my wonderful friends and fans in the Horror/Paranormal community that continue to support me in all my endeavors in the fabulous world of monsters and ghostly mayhem. And to my Crossover family including Anthony Romeo....I am looking forward to so many awesome future adventures and investigations together. I love and respect you guys more than you could ever imagine!!!
Now get those tickets to Days of the Dead, Scarefest,Fanboy Expo and Dead Winter folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Words from me:
First, I apologize for the traumatic text colours. I allowed Nick and Jeff to choose their own colours- and, that's what they chose. It's brutal, I know.
Second, you know why none of them put themselves at #1 in the burping contest? Cause that's MY spot and I'm damn proud of it. If you ever want to see Nick run, make a show of handing me a Monster energy drink. I've traumatized him. :) For life.

15 June, 2012

Gary Ugarek

Who are you?:

I am Gary Ugarek, the writer and director of Deadlands: The Rising (2006), Deadlands 2: Trapped (2008) and All in the Game (2011)

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

When is Deadlands 3 coming out? I was hoping to make this film and release it this year but it has been super tough trying to raise the films budget. Everyone says do it on the cheap like the last two, but it can't be done on the cheap... I would like to see everyone get paid, the entire crew. Most of the time it is just the FX artist making money and it is minimal money at that.

the 2nd question... Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (channeling Mitch Hedgberg) Celebrating the anniversary of you asking me this question.

2. What's the crappiest movie you've ever seen? What makes it the worst for you?

This is a tough question... I am going to go with Rob Zombie's Halloween remake. I can't even begin to explain how bad this film is, and how much I loathed it. I enjoyed it up until William Forsythe was executed. The guy is a great actor, and he kept the first 15 minutes interesting, but once he was killed off the movie just kept going downhill, from Malcolm McDowell's John Travolta strut into the principals office right up until the end credits.

I remember seeing the 90 second teaser and thinking this film was going to be badass, then went to the theater to view the final product and nearly threw up all my popcorn. I kept saying how can Rob go from a great film like The Devil's Reject and totally destroy Halloween. This is not a film that should have been fucked up, and if he was the huge fan of the original as he claimed, why not be more faithful to the source material.

I appreciated how Carpenter kept Michael vague and mysterious, but Rob had to give him the typical white trash background he is famous for, and it just ruined the mystique of Michael Myers.

3. What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure?

Video Killed The Radio Star by the Buggles

4. Do you think tan lines are sexy?

On a woman, yes. On a man, I try very hard to not even look.

5. Do you sing in the shower/bathroom?

It depends... sometimes you just get in that nice hot shower, and then suddenly it releases stress or frustration and you just wanna sing, or if I wake up in a peppy mood, I will just start belting out a tune.

6. In a song- are the lyrics or is the music more important to you?

I prefer the music. The rhythm of a song is what gets me hooked. I have heard great music in songs, but they get ruined by crappy lyrics. I have been on a hunt for instrumentals for my MP3 collection. Songs that use minor chords are my favorite. I am a huge fan of the song Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees, that is a song that has the most perfect music arrangement, and then you get to top it off with a great vocal arrangement. It is a classic you can still bop too, and I am not afraid to crank it up if it comes on Sirius' 70's on 7.

7. Someone passes gas in an elevator- do you ignore it, call it out, or claim it?

I can honestly say I have never been in an elevator when that happened, but if I was to be, I would call it out, and if I did I would definitely fess up.

8. Do you roam your house naked?

Only during massive orgies which happen.... well they don't ever happen so the answer is NO

9. Is there an accent that gets on your nerves?

YES, and not to sound rude or racist, but indian accents are the worst for me because I have very hard time understanding the verbiage coming from their mouth, and I am constantly having to ask them to slow down and repeat themselves. I know they are just trying to earn a dollar and a cent in this world, but when you don't have a total grasp of the language, slow down your speech pattern. Sometimes I wanna pull a Chris Tucker but in reverse "I don't understand the words coming out of your mouth"

10. Is there a number or specific time of day that haunts you on a daily basis?:

Yes... alarm wake up time... whatever it needs to be on that particular day.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Shout Outs: To all the cast and Crew of the Deadlands films: Brian Wright, Michelle Wright, Dave Cooperman, Joe Durbin, Krystian Ramlogan, Ashley Young, Corrine Brush, Tom Touhey, Chris Kiros, Elias Dancey, and J.R. Bookwalter

Shout Outs to the All in the Game Cast & Crew: Micaiah Jones, Chris Clanton, Daniel Ross, Seann Ikon Habib (Habibbles) Awan, Mike McMullin Nelson Irizarry Dylan Hintz Kelvin Page... Thank You Guys for sticking with me on that uber crazy uber low budget ride of gangster violence and mayhem.

Promotion: my newest film, Thug Life: All in the Game is playing at the Fright night Film Fest on June 30th 5pm, in Louisville, KY, and it hits DVD this September.

Last Words: If you're a filmmaker, be proud you have made a film. Even if the film isn't well received, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you saw the project through to the end and it is in the can. Many wannabe filmmakers out there never get passed the script stage, and you have done it all, be proud and fuck what anybody says or thinks of your product.

30 March, 2012

Victor Miller

Who are you?:

I am a 71 year old sorta retired writer, a husband of almost 50 years to a saint , a father of two grown men of whom I am incredibly proud, a father-in-law of two fabulous daughters-in-law and one outlandishly wonderful grandson.   Nobody on this planet has it better than I do and I can tell you in no way do I deserve a tenth of what i have lucked into.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

How did you come up with the idea for FRIDAY THE 13TH? (I will not dignify your blog by typing my reply to that question. It can be found almost anywhere else.)

2. Have you ever had the pleasure of running into a wall, door, screen, window, or sliding door?

I have had the unquestionable delight of running into all of the above by accident or on purpose. When I drank alcohol, anything was possible and some crashes I can actually recall.

3. What's the most embarrassing job you've ever had, in or out of 'the industry?'

I was a canvasser for an aluminum awning company in New Haven, CT. I went door to door pretending to be taking surveys when really i was supposed to be getting appointments for salesmen to talk folks into buying these awful looking awnings. I sucked. It sucked. They sucked. I was totally ashamed.

4. If the human race was obliterated and you were the sole survivor, how long do you think you'd survive?

It's hard to say. I would probably spend at least a year sure that there was at least one other person left and I'd have to find her. If I trip over a pile of manure, I almost always look for the pony underneath.

5. If you had to pick someone in the celebrity world to back you up in a fight, who would you pick and why?

Betsy Palmer. Because she understands protecting her offspring.

6. The Internet - blessing or a curse?

Blessing and curse. I am really good at it. Many are not, sadly.

7. Ever actually *facepalm* or *headdesk* before?

Oh, yes.

8. Do you talk to your pets as if they're human? Do they understand or talk back?

Yes and no. I also speak gibberish to them and they appear to understand that as well. But they never speak back.

9. Rollercoasters - are you just a line buddy or a coaster warrior?

I won't get within a half mile of one. Total chicken.

10. Pick out one of your scars - where is it and how did you manage to achieve it?

Inside of right wrist. At age 4 I chased the neighborhood bully who stole one of my toys. I tripped in a vacant lot and cut my wrist on a broken beer bottle. It cut the tendon to my thumb. 1944 operation took 6 hours. My thumb works fine, but the scar looks like a pale doodlebug and reminds me that bullies really really hurt.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

website: www.victormiller.com
Thanks for a fun interview.


23 March, 2012

Bobby Clark

Who are you?:

I'm Bobby Clark. I've been in the motion picture business for 50 years.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

A. Being that the Gorn is my claim to fame, I get asked 'you were the Gorn?' a lot - Yes
B. It must have been hot in that suit. - Yes

2. If you were on Death Row, what would it be for and what would your last meal be?

I'd probably go to prison for kickin' someone's ass til their dead. But, I'd be very very choosy on who's ass it is.
Last meal: Steak.

3. Is there anything in your closet that you've borrowed from someone else?

No. I own everything in there.

4. Are there any foods that you would choose to starve rather than eat?

Bait (sushi).

5. What's the most ridiculous nickname anyone's ever given you?

Before the age of 10, I didn't know my real name, I thought it was 'Jesus Christ' and 'God Dammit.' Rick calls me 'Gorn.'

6. Do you relate to the majority of heroes or villains in stories?

Always the low man on the totem pole- whether it be a villain or a good guy. But, you gotta ask yourself  'what is it makes this person a villain?'

7. Would you ever pose naked for Playboy/Playgirl? How much money would it take?

As much money as I could, and yes I would!

8. Your favourite dirty phrase, without using swear words:

Git 'er done!

9. Favourite junk food that you'd refuse to ever give up- even if a diet or your health would suffer?

I like cookies. I like potato chips.

10. Do you sing in the shower/bathroom?


Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Attend sci-fi cons to come see me. You don't have to be a weirdo to be a sci-fi fan. Shatner said in his book 'get a life!' Well, these people have a life. And, they have a rough life. These people work jobs, have marriages and families and still manage all of that on top of being a fan. These people spend their hard-earned money on the things they know they like. And, I just have to say: God bless every fan out there, whatever they're a fan of.

Words from me:
This was only the second one I had ever done over the phone (R.A. Mihailoff being the first). Also, it was the first time I'd spoken to Bobby in any way. I'm a little awkward when it comes to new phone conversation buddies. LOL Doing this over the phone was necessary for multiple reasons- Bobby doesn't really have much to do with computers (he doesn't have an official site or social networking page) and he is, also, currently recovering from a heart surgery. I felt terrible bothering him during recovery time for something as silly as The Negative, but he didn't seem to mind it much at all. Bobby was a pleasure to get to know. And, I'd recommend paying him a visit if you happen to be attending a convention that he's at. He told me a few fascinating little stories, snippets of his life- and, he's lived an interesting one, indeed. He's a good guy......even if he IS friends with Rick McCallum. :-p But, in all seriousness, I do owe Rick a lot of thanks- he's been an irreplaceable friend and help with this site in many ways. Anyway, if you're one of my con-promoter friends and you're interested in having Bobby at a con- he has given me permission to give his contact information to trusted people in regards to attendances, so just get in contact with me via the e-mail listed on this site, or one of the other various ways that I'm sure you are in contact with me. Bobby IS an icon of not only 'Star Trek' but of the American television culture- even if it wasn't done, necessarily, on purpose- everyone knows the iconic picture of Kirk struggling with the Gorn.

17 March, 2012

Larry Laverty

Who are you?:

I'm actor Larry Laverty.  I had a corporate career all set up. But bad behavior by the snot-nosed
punks who run corporate America turned me off.  So I said 'F' this, and gave acting a try.  At first,
I did plays and musicals.  Then came acting school.  I got with a talent agent, tried movies,
and found my place in this God forsaken world.  Twenty years have gone by in the blink of an eye.  I've played lead or supporting roles in over 100 films, appeared in over a dozen television shows and countless Tv commercials.  But I'd trade it all, trade it in if I could play God for just one day and rub out all of the world's bad guys and turn dominion over this earth to the dolphins and the whales.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked- and their answers?

Q:  What have you been in?
A:  This implies to me that you spend your valuable time watching top-rated dumb-ass Tv shows, and feel good about dropping a chunk of change at the local Metroplex on hyped-up movies starring hyped-up actors.  Well, I'm sorry, but I left the herd a long time ago and prefer not to
have my life evaluated by who I did what with.
Q: What famous people have you worked with?
A:  Well, guess what, I'm famous.  And you're famous.  Or I thought you were famous, until you
gave away the fact that you worship celebrities.  Does the term 'false-god' mean anything to you?

2. What trend in recently-made films are you sick of seeing?

Uh, that would be plural. Trends.  But of course, today's trends actually got started
about a hundred years ago when the first person figured out he could make a buck off
of showing his movie to other people.  Then as today, audiences get pissed off
when they fork over good money to watch a movie they can't understand, or when they
have to follow homey-looking actors around on the screen for two hours and pretend to care
about it.  While I believe there's probably a small hand full of good movies that come out each year,  I miss them because I refuse to go to the Metroplexes at all.  If you see me there, send me
home or call 911, I may have a bomb.

3. Are you OCD about anything?

I like doing all I can to make the movies I'm in be the best they can be.  I go over the script
hundreds of times, I bother the directors with my ideas for camera set-ups and lighting.  And
outside of my career, and known only to my priest, I pick up litter all around my neighborhood
and in wilderness places.  If I see a stray animal, I try to save it.

4. What do you consider to be the root of all evil?

Like a tree, humanity has many roots, and consequently there are many roots at risk from
rot, rot that's brought on by forces of evil.
Idealists and those prone to naivete know very little about the evil in this world, but I unfortunately
can say that I fall into neither of those classifications.  We human beings while possessing
great strength both physically and intellectually, have a long way to go as we live up to
the potential strength of our spirits to do good in this world.  This is why I suggest, based
on the incredible documentary films I've seen and news I've read, that dolphins and whales
would be far better shepherds of life on this planet.

5. Do you think you cuss entirely too much, just enough, or not enough throughout your
normal day?

I grew up with the most gentle, thoughtful parents in the world.  I was a Boy Scout, an Eagle Scout ta'boot, so I constantly reign myself in when it comes to cussing.  But by God, in my
head and under my breath, I can't go anywhere in public without cussing.  What happened
to humanity, at least here in the big city?  Were we always so stupid?  So selfish?

6. If you could only give one piece of advice on how to prepare for the zombie apocolypse,
what would it be?

It's too f-ing late.  It's already happened.  I see signs of it everywhere.

7. What was the last traffic ticket you received for?

Not wearing my seatbelt.  To this day, the law requiring seatbelts pisses me off.
If I was prone to accidents or drove recklessly, I'd wear my belt for sure but I'm neither.
I'm always watching for the madman, the blind person, or the people new to this planet
in order to avoid accidents.  Don't tell me when to wear a seatbelt and I won't tell you
when you to have sex next.

8. Do you consider yourself more of a country person or a city person?

I'm a country person living in the big city.  I say hi to everyone, I care about my neighbors,
and I don't like feeling fenced in.  Oh, and I often wear a cowboy hat when grocery shopping
or going to the post office.  I'd go skinny dipping in the lake downtown but the cops would
be on my ass in a heartbeat.

9. Do you consider yourself to be a brand-name shopper?

Branding is as American as apple pie.  Tell me the last time you were able to buy something
that wasn't a brand name or made in China. It's almost impossible.  I always look for home-
made products, products made in the good 'ol U.S. of A., and products that aren't nationally branded but with each passing day the name brands send more little guys packing.

10. An estimate of how many words you know for 'vagina'?

I know of one.  Heaven.  I often give thanks to the man upstairs for making men and women
physically different, and different in such a way as we can plug in to one another as an
expression of love.  A vagina, it's the next best thing to heaven I can think of.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

And finally, life is funny.  I wish it was the kind of funny all the time that makes people
laugh, but whether it's funny ha-ha or funny strange, we're on our toes while we're here
and I like that.  I like challenges.  I'm grateful that I have the desire to take on this career
of mine and for all the people I've met and will meet along the way.  I wish success for
you just as much as I wish it for me.  That way, we'll all be happy.

You're welcome to check me out and send me a message on Facebook:

Or take a look at a list of the movies and Tv shows I've been in:

Or watch a short scene from one of the movies I've been in:

04 March, 2012

Alex Vincent

1: What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

Definitely the number one question I'm asked is if the movie gave me nightmares... it didn't, it was very fake. I often say, when the director said cut, Chucky stopped trying to kill me. 2nd most common would be, did you get to keep a Chucky doll. My response to that is usually always, no..but if I had, I would have sold it on ebay a long time ago!

2: What celebrity (that you have no ties with) would you blink out of existence if you could? Why?

That's a tough one, there are plenty of people that have become famous undeservingly, and are worshiped...also undeservingly. I"m not so sure I'd blink any of the out of existence, but certainly click them off my tv at the quickest opportunity! As of lately... Randy Jackson would be one. I just can't stand him! I've never heard of someone with such questionable talent and fame himself, with that much of an ego.

3: What is something that completely grosses you out?

Possums! I love animals, but not them. Every time I see one I cringe.

4: Kharma/Karma - what are your thoughts on it?

On the spelling options, or the concept? I believe we make our own good and bad fortune. Karma has always seemed a bit of a cop out. I do agree with doing on to others, as you'd like done to you... but "Karma" adapts a magical undertone, that I really don't agree with.

5: Ever have stalker issues?

Nothing too serious... mostly only as a result of facebook, or previously myspace. Nothing threatening, or in person.

6: A phrase/word that is/was ever trendy, that drove you insane?

I"m confused as to why no one before 2000ish was being thrown under a bus... and now everyone "throws people under the bus"!

7: Can you type without looking at the keyboard?


8: Pornos - exciting or monotonous?

Potentially exciting, depends who's doing what with who!

9: Star Wars or Star Trek?

Neither... I can't stand SciFi.

10: Have you ever lost anything important down a toilet?

Oh, I lose shit down there all the time. Not sure how important any of it is.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:


29 February, 2012

Sean Whalen

Who are you?:

I'm a character actor, writer, husband, father, salesman, and a dork. I've been kicking around Hollywood riding the ups and downs of this crazy business.

1. What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

" Are you the guy from Con Air or Spy Kids?" I get confused for Steve Buscemi a lot. A close second is "Got Milk?" From the milk commercial I did years ago.

2. What's a few of your pet-peeves, or in the words of George Carlin, 'psychotic fuckin' hatreds?'

I hate being ignored. Not returning phone calls, not answering when you ask a question, never answering emails. We're all guilty of it, but I try to teach my kids that ignoring someone is one of the meanest things you can do to someone.

3. What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure?

A few... AFRICA by TOTO. LAND DOWN UNDER...by Men at Work... and the worst.. FRIDAYS by Rebecca Black... the words are shockingly bad, but that chorus is just too damn catchy. Don't hate.

4. How long do you think you could tolerate life without a cell phone in your possession?

Wow.. about 15 minutes. I was just thinking this the other day when I was in a crowded room. Everyone was doing something on their phones. Everyone.

5. How do you feel about grammar?

Its not that important the us world any much more.

6. What is something your parent/guardian told you when you were a kid and when you grew up, realized it was a lie?

My mom used to say how handsome I was. Believe me, Hollywood lets you know pretty quick that you are "quirky" and "not good looking enough". It's harsh, but at least you know how to sell what your selling... yourself.

7. Do you still watch kids movies- without any kids around?

No. Had enough when my kids were little.

8. Would you ever go into a strip club with a sign that read '12 hot chicks and 1 ugly one' JUST to see the 'ugly one?'

Who wouldn't?

9. One of the hardest lessons you've had to learn in your adult life?

That there is no "easier time". You are always facing a new challenge. My grandmother had to deal with losing her husband at 80. You get periods of skating through, but they don't last forever.

10. If fans are going to buy you drinks - what are you having?

If it's a beer - Hefeweizen or BLUE MOON. Mixed Drink: - Red Bull and Vodka... if I want to keep the party going.... or Gin and Tonic...for the casual hang.

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

SHAMELESS PLUG - Please SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel THATGUYSMW. Also, pass on my video DOROTHY 50 YEARS LATER to everyone you know. Everyone. They can watch on on their phones. Seek out THE FP in your city opening in March. One of the funnest movies you'll see. Soon to be a cult classic.

10 February, 2012

Raine Brown

Who are you?:
I am an indie actress from the east cost!  I have done a ton of film and theatre work you can check Raine Brown on IMDB! 
Go to my official site www.rainebrown.com for all the info! 

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?
What's my favorite film I've worked on and What's your favorite horror film I've watched. 
Na!!! not going to do it again.... especially since I am asking myself! You all are just going to have to find any other interview i did and look  at the answer there! :) 

2) Is there a store you would be completely lost without?
OMG Target or Tarjhey as we call it!  It has everthing for my house and food and entertainment.  Only thing it doesn't sell is cars and maybe they will soon! :)  I expect  kick back sent to me for free advertising!! haha!

3) What's something you had as a kid that you think today's kids are missing out on?
Haha .. I don't want to date myself.  But I think really long phone conversions with your HS boyfriend.  Now everyone just text constantly and those were really sweet and fun. It was a great way to get to know each other especially giving you some private time when you were not allowed to be alone with a boy yet!!!

4) How far do you think you would get if you went on the show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'
Wow!  I would get close to the million mark but then get stumped on a stupid question about cheese and then have used all my lifelines so have to leave with my big check!!

5) Do you believe in ghosts or aliens? Or, both?
Na!  Well maybe! I don't think on it a lot cuz who can know for sure. All I know is that I really don't know all that there is so who knows!  It creeps me really think of it!   

6) Sitting on a plane, do you prefer window or aisle seats?
Usually window.  I like to look out at the sky and clouds during the day and the lights as night. 

7) A rough estimate of how many different words you know for 'breasts:'

about 15.  I think my B/F would know more. He is way more into them.  

8) Favourite junk food that you'd refuse to ever give up- even if a diet or your health would suffer?
Chocolate! I eat it everyday no matter what.  I am so addicted to it. I have heard that chocolate activates the same parts of your brain as pot... without the getting high part, but it does make me feel really good and relaxed.  Now it is being said that it is good for you anyway.... so there! 

9) What holiday do you consider to be the most useless?
President's day??? April Fools!  :)

10) In a burping contest with only 2 other people, where would you rank? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd?
Def. 1st! I have a demonic crazy possessed burp.  I am a tiny girl and I am not quite sure where it comes from but it is quite an amazing sound!  I actually need to  record it so it can be an effect for one of my films!! 

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:
Yes! Look for Gallery of Fear and I Heart U  and hopefully Game Over coming out on DVD some time this year! 
Also, BrainCell, Sculpture, and Psychoholocaust all on amazon.com!!
Like me on Facebook so you can keep up with all the updates!! 
See you on FB! :) xoxoxo

20 January, 2012

Jessica Cameron

Who are you?:

My name is Jessica Cameron and I am a loving aunt, fabulous friend, loyal girlfriend, half Irish and Scottish, an extremely hard worker, obnoxious cat lover, business entrepreneur, social networking whore, and when I am lucky I act in films/tv shows/web series/music videos and more. ( I also apparently like run on sentences, ALOT).
Oh, and I am a horrible speller, this is your warning….

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

Who do you want to work with - normally I politely list a few people I would love to work with (sometimes actors, sometimes producers, sometimes directors). Even though the answer is ever changing its still all true.  However I could never give a complete list since it is just too long!
But heres a little secret from me to you - I am an actor, so I want to work with EVERYONE and ANYONE that does good quality work and/or pays well. (sadly it sometimes is an either or situation…)
However recently I read Pearry Teo's latest script and it blew my mind so he and his business partner Chad Michael Ward are literally at the top of the list…. when you read as many scripts as I do an amazing script can be hard to find!

Whats your favorite horror film - I hate this question since its like asking a parent who their favorite child is. And like most parents it depends on the day that you ask me. If I have had a hard day at work and wanted to zone out with a favorite torture porn flick then Saw or Hostel would jump to the list. If I had an easy day at work and wanted to pay close attention to an intellectually done horror film then Insidious would be tops on that list.
And sometimes I just need to kiss the butt of a certain film maker and then, guess what, their film tops that list….

2) Your best revenge plot (executed or just plotted):

When I was a child, the main phone in our home had a cord (yes, this was before cell phones) and was near a bathroom. So when my friends would call I was chat with them while hanging out in the bathroom.  I never got along well with my brother so I would use his toothbrush to clean the bathroom (yes - all the bathroom) while chatting on the phone.
I have never told him about this before…
So surprise Ryan : )
I am sure that as an adult I could come up with something far more vicious…..luckily I have not been encouraged as yet to do so :  )

3) Do you collect anything that other people find strange for YOU to, personally, collect?

Coupons! I am a coupon cutting fanatic : ) Or at least I was when I lived in the midwest. I have not had much time to get a grasp on the coupon scene in LA yet.
(confession - I organize them using a 3 binder system - each binder organized by product…)
I actually miss it….it was so much fun!

4) Pick out one of your scars - where is it and how did you manage to achieve it?

I have a 2 1/2" long thin scar on the inside front of my thigh.  Halloween 2009 I was dressed as Jem (my favorite 80's cartoon) and my friends and I wound up at this random bar in Columbus, Ohio. I had always wanted to ride a mechanical bull, so when I saw that they had one set up I was really excited. Sadly they make you take off your shoes when you ride those things - apparently its a danger to have them on since they could harm you or someone else (upsetting though since they really completed my outfit!). When I went up I was determined to not fall off.  So I used every single muscle I had and held on tight, and I stayed on the entire time. By the time the operator stopped it, I was on a 90 degree angle with the ground (but it still counts) and had to let myself drop since there was no other way off. I knew that my leg had gone under part of the bull, but it was not until I was standing that I realized I had sliced open my thigh and there was a lot of blood. Luckily, thanks to my background working on horror films, I was not bothered by it and just tried to stop the bleeding so I could go back to dancing!

5) Roller coasters - are you just a line buddy or a coaster warrior?

I am the COASTER QUEEN! I love them. I have to bring several friends with me to amusement parks since I usually wear out a few of them!

6) Pornos - exciting or monotonous?

Depends on the porno ; )
And who you are watching it with, where you are watching it and why.

7) Worst city/state/country you've ever visited? Why?

Honestly I have never visited anywhere that was a bad place. I have visited places and found bad people there, but its not really fair to hold that against the location.
Keep in mind that as an actress my opinion is skewed since when I go to shoot somewhere the general population are usually excited and therefor I get treated very well.

8) If you could have a boxing match with anyone in the world, who would it be?

Right now - lets see…
There is a certain female website hostess/blogger who is a bully towards certain people in the business (including myself). I am intentionally not saying her name since it would be wrong to give her any more press. I do not expect everyone to like me, in fact I would consider it an issue if everyone did but to pick on anyone or bully them is just wrong regardless of the level that you think that you are on.
People like that need to be knocked off the pedestals that they put themselves on and I would greatly enjoy being the one to do it!

9) Thoughts on parents blaming ALL media when their kids fuck up?

I will never understand why some people can not accept their own faults and then make the conscious choice to improve them.
I do - its really not that hard. It saddens me when people who are not good parents lay blame elsewhere rather then fixing the issues and possibly improving their children's lives.
I think it is selfish.
My parents taught me right from wrong, and helped me to understand the consequences to my actions and I am every grateful for that.
Children need to be taught those things.

10) Have you ever (accidentally) hit an animal or person with your vehicle?

I have accidentally killed a possum and I was very sad about it. I was coming up over a hill and did not have a chance to swerve.
I cried and went back to see if he survived…sadly he did not.
I have actually ditched my car while swerving to miss a cat. True story. $900 in repairs later I was happy with my decision!
Years later I would swerve again to miss another cat, and hit a curb which resulted in the air bag deploying and the car being totaled…
So needless to say I try to not hit animals!

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Me, shameless self promotion…YES PLEASE : )

My website:

My twitter:

My Facebook fan page (sorry the regular page is full):

And of course my IMDB:

14 January, 2012

Marie Grace Stephens

Short intro/Who are you?:

Hi…my name is Marie Grace Stephens and I’m a screenwriter/filmmaker/rocket scientist and circus performer…

Oh, and I raise pygmy weasels in my off time…

I’m just kidding about the ‘rocket scientist’ part…

1) What are the top two questions you're sick of being asked - and, their answers?

 Well…I can’t think of questions I’m sick of…but these were asked just yesterday…and by the same person ironically…

A) Marie, Have you killed again?!

ANSWER:   Maybe…

B) Did you bake that banana bread?!

ANSWER:  Maybe…

2) What's a few of your pet-peeves, or in the words of George Carlin, 'psychotic fuckin' hatreds?'

People who ask me what my pet peeves are…

3) What's the crappiest movie you've ever seen? What makes it the worst for you?

I tried to watch “Manos”—The hands of fate… with the MST3k treatment…and it was still ‘un-watchable’…

What makes it worse is that this was a type of creative vision of some sort…and I wouldn’t want to be in that guy’s head…

4) What song would you consider to be your absolute guiltiest pleasure?

I don’t have a song per se…but I have guilty pleasures…
Do you want to know about the legal ones or the illegal ones?

5) If you were on Death Row, what would it be for and what would your last meal be?

Not sure…but at this point in my life...probably murder…and that’s not a confession…by the way…

And my meal would involve chocolate…the good stuff…not the cheap crap…I’d ask for the most rare and expensive chocolate…because it would take them longer to get it…and then I could keep working on my escape plan…

6) When a song that you know, but dislike, comes on- do you still sing to it?

Hell no! I’m afraid that shit will get stuck in my head and torment me all day…so when I hear I song I hate…I immediately start singing a song I love…hoping that one will stick…instead of the bad one…there’s nothing worse for me than hearing a horrible song play over and over in your head all day… (Damn you, Celine Dion…)

7) Do you relate to the majority of heroes or villains in stories?

Hmmm…there’s a hero and villain inside all of us…so I think I identify with both…especially when I wear a cape…

8) Do you collect anything that other people find strange for YOU to, personally, collect?

I don’t think so…I collect PEANUTS memorabilia and silent film memorabilia…

But maybe my voodoo doll collection could creep people out…I have to admit…I’ve gotten some weird looks from people… especially when the doll looks like them…

9) What side of the bed do you sleep on?

Whatever side my dogs haven’t stolen first… the little shits… 

10) What's the most ridiculous nickname anyone's ever given you?

Crazy voodoo lady…but that might be because of the dolls…

Shameless self promotion/shout outs/any last words:

Friend me on facebook…(MarieGraceStephens-Screenwriter)…

And my website…MarieGraceStephens.com will be up shortly…

Also… my short film, “What about the Monsters!?” will be out soon…

Thanks Angela!!

08 January, 2012


So, I know it's been a good while since I've made a post.
Apologies. Kind of. See what had happened was....

I ended up being bombarded by a host of things that usually tend to crop up toward the end of the year. Those normal things were accompanied by some new things. You don't need the details, trust me. It's a mess.

During this hiatus, I've been doing some thinking. Uh-oh, I know. We're lucky the apartment is still here. I'm a hazard.

Since this blog IS just for the silliness and for the fun of it- I'm going to do away with the scheduled posts. Partially due to lack of time to find new people willing to submit themselves to my insanity, and also a lot of people that say they will do questions but end up changing their minds for whatever reason. So, I'm going to post as I receive replies. It seems like the only logical thing to do, right? I think so. Plus, it has the benefits of removing a deadline- which, I'll be perfectly honest and say I am really looking forward to.

So, a new year and a new way of doing this blog o' craziness. Hopefully, it'll progress and become what I wanted it to be, originally. Completely new and different to the 'interview' community.

Til we meet again!